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Haddonfield’s Extended School Year 2018
Haddonfield’s Extended School Year 2018
June 25, 2018
This email is being sent to share timely information about Haddonfield’s upcoming Extended School Year (ESY) program.
New News
Line-Up Information
Please click here for a map of line up and bus drop-off/pick-up locations.
Teacher Assignment Changes
Please note that your child’s ESY grade corresponds with his/her 2017-18 School Year Assignment
Due to late additions/changes to the program, Ms. Nancy Wolf will now teach grades Six/Seven and Ms. Jemielity will teach grades Seven/Eight. Seventh grade students are to check in during line up for their assigned teacher. Additionally, Ms. Sprinsky will teach the 9-12 program.
Updated table here:
Occupational Therapist: Karen Amariti
Physical Therapist: Cari Loveland
Nurses: Michele Barranger
Speech: Roe Connelly and Erin Hart ([email protected])
Preschool 1: Jen Coon
Preschool 2: Lynn Jones
Kindergarten/ECLC: Lynn Green
First Grade: Leigh Anne Patterson
Second Grade: Sue Zitter
PLC: Jen Wilson
Third: Kaitlyn Dolan
Fourth/Fifth Grades: Trish Radka
Six-Seven: Nancy Wolfe
Seven-Eight: Diana Jemeility
Six-Eight Resource: Ashley Miller
Credit Recovery/9-12: Karen Sprinsky
Supplemental Reading: Marydee Gaidis
Please note that e-mail address for all staff members follow this format, unless noted otherwise ([email protected])
Transportation has been offered to all preschool ESY students, and K-12 students not in the E. Haddon sending area and can only be confirmed when parents sign and return the transportation form that was provided by your Case Manager. Parents will receive a call from your assigned bus driver no later than June 27 regarding your anticipated pick-up time. If you do not hear from your driver by 6/27, please e-mail Dr. Priolo at [email protected].
Preschool Classes
All parents of ESY preschool students should have received an email on June 20 indicating their child’s ESY teacher – if you did not receive this notice, please email Dr. Priolo at [email protected].
Reminders (this was originally sent on June 15 via email)
What Exactly is ESY?
Regulations to the Individuals With Disabilities in Education Improvement Act (IDEA) defines ESY as “special education and related services that are provided to a child with a disability beyond the normal school year in accordance with the child’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), and at no cost to the parents[.]” 34 CFR 300.309(b). In New Jersey, a student is entitled to ESY if the IEP Team determines that:
an interruption in educational programming causes the student’s performance to revert to a lower level of functioning, and
Recoupment cannot be expected in a reasonable length of time. N.J.A.C. 6A:14-4.4(c).
Basically, ESY is a maintenance program to help students maintain their current skill set.
Program Overview Information
∙ Start Date: Monday, July 2 (closed July 4-5)
∙ End Date: August, 2
∙ Program Times: Preschool, 9:30-12:00 (2:00 for PS ITT)/ECLC-Grade 8, 8:30-11:00,
∙ Program Runs: Monday-Thursday
Location: E. Haddon Elementary, 501 Redman Avenue, Haddonfield, 856-429-0811
No supplies needed for the first day. If there are particular items requested by the ESY teacher, he/she will do that after the first day (few, if any, student supplies are typically requested).
Attendance expectations are the same as during the school year; if your child will miss a day, please be sure to e-mail your child’s ESY teacher.
Teacher/Therapist Assignments
Please note that e-mail address for all staff members follow this format, unless noted otherwise ([email protected])
Occupational Therapist: Karen Amariti
Physical Therapist: Cari Loveland
Nurses: Michele Barranger
Speech: Roe Connelly and Erin Hart ([email protected])
Preschool 1: Jen Coon
Preschool 2: Lynn Jones
Kindergarten/ECLC: Lynn Green
First Grade: Leigh Anne Patterson
Second Grade: Sue Zitter
PLC: Jen Wilson
Third: Kaitlyn Dolan
Fourth/Fifth Grades: Trish Radka
Six-Seven: Nancy Wolfe
Seven-Eight: Diana Jemeility
Six-Eight Resource: Ashley Miller
Credit Recovery/9-12: Karen Sprinsky
Supplemental Reading: Marydee Gaidis
Please anticipate contact (phone or e-mail) from the ESY teacher by June 30 indicating to which preschool class your child is assigned.
Services Only
For parents/students receiving related services only, please access the school through the main entrance and you will be directed to the proper location. You will receive a communication from your assigned therapist (e.g. Reading/OT/PT/Speech) with your student’s scheduled therapist.